Milton Historical Society


York Penn.
Oct 16th '64

Dear Mother

As I promised to write to day I will send you word how I am and what little news there is. I have not been very tough these last few days: Yesterday I tried to help sweep out the Room but I have to give it up & this morning I felt very lame. I wish I could have 6 Mos. to be at home or "down East" and recruit my strength. I have a very good appetite & I believe I could soon get stronger & healthier than ever. I put in for a Pass for today as I wanted to go to Church but did not get it & I dont know as I should have gone out if I had. We dont have any Services here but I should think they would let all go out.

They are about to send us of to the State & we may go the fore part of the week, so I hardly think I shall write again, any way, not before Wednesday. We are having very good weather now but it feels cold to me. I would not care how cold if I had plenty of clothing. They say we shall draw Tuesday & I shall get rigged out although I have some Clothes in my Knapsack for I may never see them.

I wonder that I dont hear from the Boys at the Regt.;1 I sent for my Letters there and they should have been here some time ago. I always think of them and I know how to sympathize with them for they are having a hard "Cold" time of it. But I trust we can soon talk of these things & then perhaps, I can tell you what War is:

Give my Love to Father, John, Hattie & the rest.

From your Aff. Son


1 The Regimental History provides an insight on what the "Boys at the Regiment" were experiencing: "During this march up the Valley, rations were often short, the supply-trains not being able to keep up, and the army was obliged to live partly on the country... Remaining at Harrisonburg until Oct. 6th on that day the regiment marched to New Market, making eighteen miles, and, on the day following, had a still harder march of twenty-two miles. Still falling back, on the 8th Flint Hill was reached, where there was much suffering from the cold. On the 10th after hearing orders from General Sheridan... the army moved back to Cedar Creek, and again constructed breastworks."

